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Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Living: Surviving with Nothing But Your Bare Hands and What You Find in the Wood   

Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Living: Surviving with Nothing But Your Bare Hands and What You Find in the Wood

John McPherson

Paperback. Ulysses Pre 2008-05-28.
ISBN 9781569756508
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Publisher description

Forget reality TV stunts like eating bugs, the Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Living provides in-depth instructions and step-by-step photos of real survival skills--exactly what one needs to stay alive in the woods. The book first covers immediate needs like starting a fire, erecting temporary shelter, and finding food. Then it goes beyond other survival books by explaining advanced techniques for long-term living in the wild -- using only those things found in nature. The authors show how to make tools by chipping stones, fashion a bow-and-arrow out of tree branches, weave baskets, fire primitive pots, build a semi-permanent shelter, and even tan hides. Finally, the authors explain how to bring all these skills together to live in the wilderness for days, weeks, months, or even years

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Book reviews » Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Living: Surviving with Nothing But Your Bare Hands and What You Find in the Wood
Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Living: Surviving with Nothing But Your Bare Hands and What You Find in the Wood
Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Living: Surviving with Nothing But Your Bare Hands and What You Find in the Wood

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